Event Coordination / Community Designer / Graphic Designer

The goal of the club is for Mechanics teachers to meet, share teaching experiences, and collaborate on exciting new educational projects. We achieve this by organizing regular events, inviting guest expert speakers, and facilitating informal networking moments and hands-on workshops.

Video credits:
Script: PRIMECH team
Storyboard and graphic elements: me
Video footage and editing: New Media Center of TU Delft
Animation: Almar Sloot

PRIMECH Accelerate

Second, we recently launched PRIMECH Accelerate.
Our goal with this 1-on-1 initiative is to provide teachers with tailored educational support to develop innovative teaching materials and activities, empowering them to innovate their mechanics courses.


PRIMECH stands for PRogramme of Innovation in MECHanics education. This project aims at innovating the way TU Delft provides Mechanics education at the bachelor level.

An analysis with teachers and students of TU Delft, found that there is a need for students to develop a deeper understanding of Mechanics and a better alignment between the Mechanics courses in each programme.

This is a difficult challenge to face alone as a teacher. We intervened on the problem with two different initiatives.

The Mechanics Teachers Social Club

While building the community and the Accelerate projects, design was key in supporting and enhancing them. TU Delft hosts a large number of Mechanics teachers. Gifting goodies to the members of the community during the events (chocolate bars, mugs, stickers, calendars) helped us reach as many interested people as possible.