Motion Plus Design Rotterdam

Ambassador/ Speaker Hunter / Event Coordination

Motion Plus Design is promoting the art of motion design across the world by creating international events and sharing its best resources. I have collaborated with the team since 2022 and brought the first event in Rotterdam becoming the Ambassador of the Netherlands. I believe Rotterdam is a vibrant city for design and the perfect place to establish Motion Plus Design in the Netherlands.

My role is being in charge of the coordination of the events that are taking place yearly. From finding sponsors to managing speakers and locations, I ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Speakers 2022: Marco van der Vlag, Pip Williamson, Jeroen Krielaars
Host: Lodovico Marchesini

Speakers 2023: Lieke Milder, Julius Horsthuis, Jason van Domburg
Host: Yuri Bhageloe

Location: KINO, Rotterdam