Photo taken by Eduardo Carvajal @educarvo

CreativeMornings Rotterdam


Speaker Hunter / Event Coordination /Community Building / Design

CreativeMornings is the largest face-to-face creative community with chapters all over the world. Every last Friday of the month, we organize an open lecture, including a free breakfast, where we creatively explore a new topic. As the Rotterdam chapter, our goal is to spread some inspiration to our audience and create a community based on local talents and locations in the city. 

We had the pleasure of hosting amazing speakers, such as:
Studio Mals, Franky Sticks, The Ocean Cleanup (Alex Tobin), Project Fearless (Sara van Loon), Hiphop In Je Smoel (Dave Vanderheijden), Matheus Santana, DEPT (Tom Spel), Seema Sharma, Jake Catterall

In special locations, such as:
OASE, Het Archief, Laurenskerk, MONK, Brutus

A community needs a recognizable design, for CreativeMornings I made one that is used on posters and banners to promote the motto “Everyone is creative, everyone is welcome” during the events and around the city.


This project is sponsored by Designplatform Rotterdam.